Good Morning. It is Sunday morning. I thought yesterday was Sunday but it turned out to be a very stormy Saturday, all day. A good thing as there was a turkey to buy and I had quite a shock at the forty to fifty dollar price tags on the turkeys. I didn't pay attention to the ads this year and should have and could have saved myself some money if I had done so. I should have made a list, checked it more than twice, and bought everything I needed for baking and turkey shopping all at the same time as it would have added up and the price of the turkey would have gone down. But, I didn't. All I can tell you is that the big stores should have given some thought to the folks who have not been able to find a job. It seems to me they could help by being 'fair' . . . ah, that lovely word that has so little meaning to so many. Well there is nothing I can do about it now but thaw that twenty pound bird and bake it Christmas morning. I just found out I don't have a pan big enough for it so back I go to the rich man's paradise and see what the price tag is on one of those aluminum ones. I wouldn't dare look at a roasting pan.
Okay, enough grousing. I have blessings to count and three of them have arrived so far. Granddaughter Erin arrived bringing sunshine and smiles along with her. We had a delicious dinner cooked by daughters Pat and Christine; chicken enchiladas that were delicious and a salad that was beautiful to look at as well as very tasty. Christine makes a mean vinaigrette. There was no room for desert although there was razzle dazzle pie with vanilla ice cream, or several different cookies and cakes around. I brought home the tin of homemade peanut brittle thinking no one else liked it but me....well that isn't true I find. . . as several sets of fingers got to the candy before I did. I wonder if it is being greedy to hide it. We had a fire in the fireplace and a wonderful fun movie to watch and going out in the storm and cold was not something we really wanted to do but someone has to thaw that big old bird.
The Christmas lights look so lovely on the homes. Some have the icicle lights that drape and shine, others have decorated trees outside as well as in and they are truly beautiful. I love the little animals and the candy canes that are all lit up and shining bright. It makes Christmas glow even though there are so many reasons for folks to feel low. My friends sent pictures of the Christmas lights as they were traveling around Arizona but must have used a different style camera as they would not come up. I wanted to show them off as they are so beautiful and would have lit up the blog in Christmas lights.
We are a resilient people and we do make the best of things. We don't always succeed in having life go as we want it to, but we do have the knack of making do with what we have and making our lives worthwhile. We are not afraid to face our problems at home or in our communities; we are strong, even in our weakest moments, and we pull up our boot straps and get on with living. The birth of Christ is a good reason to celebrate and we do it so well and in such style. I'm proud of us.
So take one second at a time; remember the steps to happiness . . . caring; sharing; a smile within the eyes; sharing hugs and look for a bit of mistletoe . . . as a kiss is just a kiss but oh how much we need one. . . pucker up and share one or two and get ready to make someone you love glow like the Christmas lights.
Oh and sing loud . . . "we wish you a Merry Christmas . . . we wish you a Merry Christmas . . . and I am singing so you can hear me. Hugs to all.
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