Friday, December 28, 2012

Feathery Creatures

Hey Judy this one is for you.  You  sent along a picture of your new bench and I had suggested spend some of your time curled up there with a good book.  When we were talking on the telephone you mentioned that you couldn't do that as the birds were in the branches and this is what you must have meant.....ha.ha.....hope you find only snow droppings and not that bird stuff when you look up.    

Three little birdies up in a tree what a lovely view as the pogonip frosts the branches and the birds ignore it completely.      Frost and ice what a beautiful sight.

Jennifer sent this picture of her favorite bird sitting in her backyard tree.   A little pogonip on the branches doesn't seem to deter this big fat fellow...look at the size of it . . . almost 'eating' size . . I'm kidding, I'm kidding . . . who would want to eat a fat little bird like that...a robin red breast in winter . . .maybe we are going to have an early Spring . . . well winter just started so don't get your hopes up yet.  We had a bit of sunshine yesterday so went off to the beaches to see if we could spot a whale or two.   It is hard telling sometimes as they love the huge rocks and that is where some of the waves break so you cannot see the spouting they do.    When we do, it is an exciting feeling as you know that this huge sea beast is right there.  I still hope to see a tail or two, but have settled for the sun shining on its huge body and wait for it to breech but so far it is much to busy feeding.   Of course we had to stop at Whaleshead and have a bowl of hot chowder and a few pieces of delectable fish with those big round chips.   Delicious, if you come this way we can go there, I know the way.

Well another Friday morning and the end , almost, of December 2012.    It will be a new weekend with a new holiday right behind and you will all be celebrating the arrival of a brand new year.   I wonder  what it will have in store for each of us.   We will have to keep our eyes and ears open and make sure we put one foot in front of the other and make our way through it with good health, a bit of wealth even though the taxes will go up. . . probably already have as the Obama Care bill will be official as the new year starts. . . well, we can weather the storm, not unusual for us to have to pull in our oars and float awhile.     Attitude is your friend, or your enemy, so choose wisely as to how you want your seconds to pass.    It can make or break your day.  There is nothing that says you cannot smile with your eyes and reach out for a big hug.    Start making a list of resolutions.    Hugs to all.

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