And this is a sad truth. Can't you hear . . . "oh what a pretty face" All I can think of is I hope she is having kittens!
So, Saturday has arrived and you have a weekend to unwind and participate in some of the activities you enjoy. I have a new John Grisham book which is going to be a fast read, but have some baking to do before I settle in my chair. I have no idea how all those cookies I baked last week have disappeared; guess I should get on the scales.
It is so nice to have a man around the house . . . son John rearranged some of the boxes in the garage so I could get to the Christmas boxes. I put a few ornaments on the tree in the front yard. My little tree is on a table by the window and I have to find some ornaments for it. I love having the lights already on the tree and do not have to fuss anymore, but on the other hand I miss the old tree and the decorations that had memories to them. Getting older may be becoming wiser but along the line you lose some of the energy and sparkle that made hard work seem easy. Or . . . I could be lazy and have to get off my duff and get some Christmas spirit around here. The Garden Club members did a beautiful job decorating the entrance park to Brookings and should be commended. The Azalea Park is open for the annual lighting show and the weather has changed to dry and colder. I took son John out for a belated birthday dinner and although the food was only fair, I'm sorry to say, the pianist was wonderful and it was well worth the time and effort to just listen to a man who really knows how to play a piano. His voice wasn't bad either. So make a dinner date and enjoy him or her . . . or them . . . and, as long as you are out and about, stop by and light a candle for all the special people in your lives. I'm lighting one for YOU. Hugs to all. |
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