Friday, December 28, 2012

Feathery Creatures

Hey Judy this one is for you.  You  sent along a picture of your new bench and I had suggested spend some of your time curled up there with a good book.  When we were talking on the telephone you mentioned that you couldn't do that as the birds were in the branches and this is what you must have meant.....ha.ha.....hope you find only snow droppings and not that bird stuff when you look up.    

Three little birdies up in a tree what a lovely view as the pogonip frosts the branches and the birds ignore it completely.      Frost and ice what a beautiful sight.

Jennifer sent this picture of her favorite bird sitting in her backyard tree.   A little pogonip on the branches doesn't seem to deter this big fat fellow...look at the size of it . . . almost 'eating' size . . I'm kidding, I'm kidding . . . who would want to eat a fat little bird like that...a robin red breast in winter . . .maybe we are going to have an early Spring . . . well winter just started so don't get your hopes up yet.  We had a bit of sunshine yesterday so went off to the beaches to see if we could spot a whale or two.   It is hard telling sometimes as they love the huge rocks and that is where some of the waves break so you cannot see the spouting they do.    When we do, it is an exciting feeling as you know that this huge sea beast is right there.  I still hope to see a tail or two, but have settled for the sun shining on its huge body and wait for it to breech but so far it is much to busy feeding.   Of course we had to stop at Whaleshead and have a bowl of hot chowder and a few pieces of delectable fish with those big round chips.   Delicious, if you come this way we can go there, I know the way.

Well another Friday morning and the end , almost, of December 2012.    It will be a new weekend with a new holiday right behind and you will all be celebrating the arrival of a brand new year.   I wonder  what it will have in store for each of us.   We will have to keep our eyes and ears open and make sure we put one foot in front of the other and make our way through it with good health, a bit of wealth even though the taxes will go up. . . probably already have as the Obama Care bill will be official as the new year starts. . . well, we can weather the storm, not unusual for us to have to pull in our oars and float awhile.     Attitude is your friend, or your enemy, so choose wisely as to how you want your seconds to pass.    It can make or break your day.  There is nothing that says you cannot smile with your eyes and reach out for a big hug.    Start making a list of resolutions.    Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Three Beauties

Daughter Christine with her new yard art.  She is a collector of dragons and she sure made a loud squeal when she opened her big box and saw this one.    She also has a big black bear for her porch telling all to wipe their paws....

Daughter Patricia in her new warm vest. 

Granddaughter Erin was resting up after all the excitement. 

So today, Thursday after Christmas and before the New Year weekend . . . hang up that new calendar and get ready to
celebrate the New Year in.   It will be interesting to find out what this new year will have in store for us.   We haven't gotten over celebrating Christmas yet as there are left overs to be used up and all the 'goodies' are just spread out and, if the truth be known, I think we all spread out a bit more.    The turkey was juicy and tender;  the side dishes were tasty and devoured.    The gifts were still coming in yesterday and I had a lovely surprise as Bob and Andrea saw to it that I have a new bird house.    Bob made it himself out of wine corks  and it is going to be out on the back porch hanging from the big iron hook Christine gave me for hanging plants.   Hopefully a new bird will find a home and babies will be born in it.    Judy sent me a tiny bird on a long wire to house in my plants and a new tablet for keeping track of my to- do's or wants or needs.   And. . . I have new shoes from my niece who has a SAS shoe store near her and when she heard we had no shoe store and my tuneful cry about my worn out shoes, she just went out and had a pair of walking shoes sent to me...and they fit....and they look so good and I have to admit feel good too.   

If you are surrounded by loving family and friends, be sure you count your blessings and make sure you let them know how much you appreciate their love and kindness . . . I am blessed.   Time to think about a New Year, New Year resolutions you may or may not keep and your health has to be a number one priority.    You cannot be happy if you are not healthy so work on that one day as it comes.    Test your smile in the mirror each morning and make sure that it comes from the heart and shows through the eyes.     Flex those muscles and exercise so you can open them up and let someone or two or a dozen walk into them and get those hugs that make you feel like the world is your oyster.    Practice your list of good thoughts and deeds you are going to master this year and join the candle lighters of the world and make the light shine so we will find our way.  Improve your skills and be proud of them.   And, it doesn't hurt a bit to add a new friend or two.     Go, use your seconds wisely . . .live . . .love and laugh.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Morning After

Nope, I didn't get one of these for Christmas, but it is a good idea for next year. I did get a lovely new pale lavender sweater from my granddaughter Erin along with a new puzzle book I can carry in my purse and use if I have to wait anywhere and am bored. John and Jo gave me a new puzzle table top that turns along with three new puzzles that are monsters. They are the new mystery ones which you have to complete to solve the mystery so the picture on the box top is of no use if you are looking for clues. Don't be shy, come visit, I'll let you help. I am sporting a new foot bath and special soap from daughter Patricia along with my Halston which is becoming very hard to find. Erin added some Nantucket Brier which makes the skin feel like satin. Guess what Maggie gave me, yeah another puzzle, a Kincaid which looks like it will keep me busy for a long spell. The lovely scarf is soft and white so will go with anything. I have several new and lovely gifts from daughter Christine . . . a picture with a dandy lion, you know the early start where you sing, he loves me, he loves me not . . . we used to call it the fortune telling flower. The acorn and leaf candle holder is beautiful; the jar of special chocolate sauce is going to come in handy to top some ice cream scoops. The apron is beautiful and I wore it all day to keep my new sweater from getting stained as I was the turkey cook this year.  Son John will be busy putting up that wonderful cast iron stand for the porch so I can hang a basket of flowers out there.   Come see when you get a chance.  Jock sent a package of Harry and David Pears that were the best I have ever eaten. They were huge, and so delicious. Everyone loved their gifts and had a lot of laughs. I was so busy opening my gifts I didn't pay attention to everything every one else got but I can tell you they were all very pleased and happy. Dinner turned out to be a feast and the turkey was moist and tender; the assorted vegie dishes were just perfect and even the gravy had no lumps. We watched George C. Scott play Scrooge and it was, as usual, it was wonderful even though we all had a slight snooze through it.

I hope you find your mind filled with memories that will carry you through a whole year until we get to celebrate Christ's birthday next year. I was so lucky to get a phone call from Bob and Andrea who were back home to celebrate Christmas as they had been on the road traveling to visit their grandchildren and friends. Judy called from Colorado and bragged about her sunshine although she was hoping for snow. Some folks got a lot of it so son, Michael, couldn't get over the Sierras where they got five feet of snow and one hundred an hour mile winds . We missed him. But...we talked with him. Hopefully your Christmas was wonderful. . . just like YOU . . . and the few pounds we gained will disappear once you join me in an early January First Lent. . . yeah, make it early this year and give up stuffing and puffing and start working towards a summer bikini size and shape . . . 'we wish'!

My heartfelt thanks goes to my wonderful children who put so much love and effort into making Christmas sparkle like the lights burning brightly on the Christmas trees. They all made angels of the year, as did friends who sent cards and called and made my Christmas so merry and bright. So I leave you with a hug and a smile and a heart full of love for each and every one of you. Now go . . . get ready for the New Year and let us all work towards making it a good one filled with sharing and caring. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It is four o'clock on Christmas morning and we are all awake waiting patiently for Patricia and Erin to join us.  The coffee is on and I am sure everyone will be wanting to have a special breakfast but not before they open those packages under the tree.     I hope that each of you are healthy and happy and ready for the best Christmas day ever.      Check your attitude;    count your blessings;    put a smile in your eyes and walk into as many hugs as you can today and everyday.  
Are you ready . . . clear your throat and let loose . . . "I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" . . . Felt pretty good didn't it?    I'm smiling. . . hope you are. . . Go!!!   Make your day the best one yet.    Hugs to all.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

One of the reasons son Michael cannot make it over the Sierra mountains.    "The Snow is Delightful" or so the song says but I am not sure how everyone is liking the twenty inches of snow and one hundred mile an hour winds.   Think of the drifts and all the shoveling that has to be done.   Think of how beautiful it is to look at.   Think how lucky they all are to have a White Christmas and know the skiers are very happy.    

Looks like cones on the tree.   Just pretty to look at and enjoy.

This picture reminded me of Emma.   She is just like that.   She never met a stranger, makes a terrible guard dog, but is in line for the most loving dog ever born.   She wants to be a lap dog.   She wants to let you know she appreciates you . . . and she does even without mistletoe.

So today, a busy day as you get to your last minute chores.    Some of you will open your gifts tonight and others will wait until the morning.  We are morning people.  So get yourself up, get dressed, have breakfast and finish all the necessary chores to be ready for this very special Christmas.  Just have a be good to yourself day and know you did choose the right gift for that special person.     Don't forget to gift the food bank, the kettle, thank the bell ringers for helping out, oh and the candle, it should stay lit for all our service men and women, and another for the souls that have gone before us.   Never ending chores that make our holidays special and YOU make it so.     Thanks for your friendship, for taking time out to read my blog, for your prayers and thoughts and for all the hugs and smiles.    I couldn't receive a nicer gift.   Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Musing About Christmas

Good Morning.    It is Sunday morning.  I thought yesterday was Sunday but it turned out to be a very stormy Saturday, all day.   A good thing as there was a turkey to buy and I had quite a shock at the forty to fifty dollar price tags on the turkeys.    I didn't pay attention to the ads this year and should have and could have saved myself some money if I had done so.     I should have made a list, checked it more than twice, and bought everything I needed for baking and turkey shopping all at the same time as it would have added up and the price of the turkey would have gone down.   But, I didn't.   All I can tell you is that the big stores should have given some thought to the folks who have not been able to find a job.   It seems to me they could help by being 'fair' . . . ah, that lovely word that has so little meaning to so many.    Well there is nothing I can do about it now but thaw that twenty pound bird and bake it Christmas morning.   I just found out I don't have a pan big enough for it so back I go to the rich man's paradise and see what the price tag is on one of those aluminum ones.   I wouldn't dare look at a roasting pan.  

Okay, enough grousing.  I have blessings to count and three of them have arrived so far.     Granddaughter Erin arrived bringing sunshine and smiles along with her.    We had a delicious dinner cooked by daughters Pat and Christine;  chicken enchiladas that were delicious and a salad that was beautiful to look at as well as very tasty.   Christine makes a mean vinaigrette.   There was no room for desert although there was razzle dazzle pie with vanilla ice cream, or several different cookies and cakes around.    I brought home the tin of homemade peanut brittle thinking no one else liked it but me....well that isn't true I find. . . as several sets of fingers got to the candy before I did.    I wonder if it is being greedy to hide it.   We had a fire in the fireplace and a wonderful fun movie to watch  and going out in the storm and cold was not something we really wanted to do but someone has to thaw that big old bird. 

The Christmas lights look so lovely on the homes.  Some have the icicle lights that drape and shine, others have decorated trees outside as well as in and they are truly beautiful.    I love the little animals and the candy canes that are all lit up and shining bright.    It makes Christmas glow even though there are so many reasons for folks to feel low.  My friends sent pictures of the Christmas lights as they were traveling around Arizona but must have used a different style camera as they would not come up.  I wanted to show them off as they are so beautiful and would have lit up the blog in Christmas lights.

We are a resilient people and we do make the best of things.   We don't always succeed in having life go as we want it to, but we do have the knack of making do with what we have and making our lives worthwhile.    We are not afraid to face our problems at home or in our communities;  we are strong, even in our weakest moments,  and we pull up our boot straps and get on with living.  The birth of Christ is a good reason to celebrate and we do it so well and in such style.    I'm proud of us.    

So take one second at a time;   remember the steps to happiness . . . caring;  sharing;  a smile within the eyes;   sharing hugs and look for a bit of mistletoe . . .  as a kiss is just a kiss but oh how much we need one. . . pucker up and share one or two and get ready to make someone you love glow like the Christmas lights.
Oh and sing loud . . . "we wish you a Merry Christmas . . . we wish you a Merry Christmas . . . and I am singing so you can hear me.   Hugs to all. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Busy Days

A lovely picture of 'olden days', like a Thomas Kincaid painting.    I wonder who painted the picture and what he or she was thinking about time.   The dress on the lady says 1800's;   the car says 1940's . . . but whatever he or she had in mind they did want to say Merry Christmas, and so do I.

    It is Saturday morning, and today I have to go and choose a big fat turkey and a few of the trimmings I am responsible for.our Christmas feast.  I had to laugh as I have been saying I should pick the turkey up by Tuesday....well, I had better as Tuesday is Christmas Day...where the time has flown this past few weeks is a mystery.   It has been 'so delightful' and the weather outside has been 'frightful' as we had another six inches of rain this past week.    The joy of sharing time with my children is simply wonderful.  We have had some delicious meals to share and I have been introduced to some very different and delicious Christmas cookies that Christine and Patricia have come up with.    John has been busy putting up a flat screen television and I have been getting daily lessons on how to turn it on . . . now how to change the channels and I'll be fine, maybe, I hope . . . I need ABC written instructions to go from one area to another.  This TV has a radio station with music geared to my era .  This TV has so many different places I will need a guide, but then, come to think of it, Pat has a flat screen TV just like it and she can come and rescue me.     Now when they make a modem for octogenarians, I will be the first to buy one. . . push one for getting into the television;  push two for news; three for a movie; four for favorite programs and five to get out. . . I could do that with ease.  My only complaint is that the ads are more colorful and more plentiful.   What ever happened to the idea of having television and choices when you pay a king's ransom to own one and are suppose to have been given choices as to what you wanted to pay for.   I didn't have ads in mind.    But I cannot kick about such a gift;  it is beautiful and it is going to be enjoyed for at least a few years before the experts come up with a new style.   Wonder what is next?  

So today is Saturday and you most likely have Monday off so your holiday is going to be long, peaceful, busy, frantic and fun . . . that's as it should be.    Go . . . enjoy . . . make this Christmas as merry as you can for you and your family members.   Make your seconds count, once gone, they can never be retrieved.  Good thoughts, good deeds, grouse a little, hum a lot and make your holiday one for the memory banks.  Hugs to all.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Oh, Oh!

What could happen to the body if the pants remain at half mast.  The walking will become a shuffle way before its time.

A very interesting photograph showing how a teacher protects her class on a field trip in Israel.   The caption mentioned that in Israel they protect the children while in America, the Liberals want to make sure the children get condoms . . . Makes me wonder how the children will turn out living in such a 'screwed' up world.    

Just a lovely picture of a winter morning after a snow storm.   Peaceful , calm and serene a good way to start your day today.      We have a howling strong wind and more rain creating anything but peace and calmness to the day, . . . but on the other hand, we can find an easy chair and a good book;   or baking cookies and cakes would help to keep us busy which reminds me a friend sent a recipe for a Chive Vinaigrette which you might like to try on your next big salad . . .. 1/3 cup chopped chives/ 1/4 cup white vinegar and a splash of sherry vinegar (optional)/1 small shallot, coarsely chopped/1 tsp Dijon mustard/2/3 cup vegetable oil/1/3cup extra virgin olive oil/ . . . Puree first four ingredients in blender until smooth.  With machine running gradually add vegetable oil, then olive oil.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.    Now if I had a blender I might try making some vinaigrette dressing but I  haven't had one in years.   I make a salad dressing that is a bit more simple and very tasty . . . an old adopted Italian grandmother told me how to make a good dressing for a salad. . . all you do is add a little more oil than vinegar to your salad, shake the salt and pepper in and eat it all much?   Who knows she was a pinch and snip cook so you take an educated guess and find it is delicious.
So today, don't bother about the weather, it is going to be what it is no matter what we think it should be.    Dress warmly and don't set yourself up for a 'bug';   sniffles for Christmas is not in.    Don't forget to meet and greet your family and friends with a smile from the eyes which reflect your true feelings for the day;  and of course . . . hugs, hugs, hugs... one never gets enough of those.    As I often told my children , "You get out of life what you put into it . . . no more, no less"  . . . so work on putting a lot into your life today.     Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sigh . . .

Something to think about as we watch and hear about the events that unfold throughout our world.  Meanwhile . . .

Winter begins on the 21st according to my calendar but this morning the winds are howling, the ocean is wild and the storm is here with all signs of winter weather.    We may be missing one or two  family members come Christmas morning all because of weather.   There was a huge pile up of cars on one of our highways yesterday due to a semi jackknifing and creating a horrid mess of piled up cars.    Hopefully it was fender benders and no lives lost.  Son Michael is watching the weather as he tells me it is eleven degrees and snowing up in Nevada.    Granddaughter Erin is watching the weather also.  As much as we want them here with us;  we also don't want them on the road in such stormy weather. It is the time for inclement weather . . . a nice word for damn right nasty weather out there. 

The pictures of some of my followers has been removed as we lost one of the members and I didn't want to have a reminder on the screen as it could bring about sadness and tears for the departed soul who has gone on to infinity.  

Meanwhile we struggle on, and that each of us will improve our lives and survive the hopelessness of death  and live in faith, hope and love for our own future.     Some one once said 'we are written in the book' . . . when it is our turn to walk the garden path  . . . hopefully some time off as we have much to do, and it starts today . . . use your seconds wisely.

Start with keeping Christ in Christmas.     Light your candles and sit quietly in a church of your choosing and you will hear silence and be able to sort out all of the troubled nuances that are circling your mind.    Christmas is a new beginning, a winter solstice that reminds us that one small babe came into our world and lit the sky up with a star that shines bright and shows us the way to use our seconds .    You have things to do today . . . start with the smile in your eyes and open up those arms as there are so many waiting for a hug.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cats and Dogs

You have heard it many times. . . 'he or she, looks just like you' . . . genes tell every time.   They really are cute!

How clever...does look like the Donald.   I bet he would put this one up on his wall.  That man has the wildest hair, a big ego and a lot of words.    

Well if you have dreams, why not big ones?     This little guy sure has big ideas.   

I like the expression on this one....sort of wonders how he got there.    Those waxed floors can do it to anyone of us so be careful or you might wind up with the same expression.

Now this one should have Emma's picture on it.     She would agree with all the rules...I'm sure she made them up. I was in her company yesterday and she does rule the roost.   She brought me her favorite toy to play 'wrestle with' and then climbed up on the sofa next to me and rolled over for a belly rub, and I complied just as she knew I would.    Who can resist those soul filled eyes . . . not me.

So today is hump day . . . Wednesday all day . . . It is John's turn to cook tonight so he has invited us to Pancho's for some fish tacos, and they make the best ones in town.    Last evening we were invited to Pat's house for dinner and she made a lasagna that was one of the best I've ever eaten.    She uses  a lot of healthy combinations like tofu  brats, different cheeses and wheat lasagna and Christine made up a salad that was excellent along with a special vinaigrette dressing.    We brought the crusty bread and no desert, there wasn't room for any.     How wonderful it is to have three of my adult children to share time with.    I do not follow all of the conversation, but do learn something new when I listen.     John is car shopping and has done so much research that both ladies had much to add as they had ideas of what they thought was a better vehicle to drive.     The SUV seems to be in the lead, although the jeeps are in good running.    John is five foot six so he has to'fit' into a car and they seem to be making them more compact so now he has to go out there and sit in cars to make sure of the fit.   I will miss the Liberty jeep as it is so easy to get in and out of . . . when you get to be an octogenarian it is difficult to get in and out of anything...especially chairs....or a booth in a restaurant.   Graceful is not even considered . . . hard work and push ups work wonders.    

Have a great hump day and look forward to the cold rain or snow today as it cleans the air and makes us move about a bit faster.    Exercise gives us more energy and a desire to get things done.     Put a few extra coins in your purse for the Salvation Army kettle so they can feed a lot of hungry folks this coming holiday.      Remember many folks are 'down' this time of year so be ready to give out some of  those 'bear hugs' and if you can, put a bit of sparkle into your big 'blue' or 'brown' eyes, 'hazel too, and hum along with the music and celebrate Christmas in a good old fashioned way. . . visits, cookies, eggnog, and share YOU with your family and friends.    Sure hope some folks find there way to my door;  come to think about it, they lucky I am and how lucky I hope you are.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Designs of Life

How would you like to spend five to nine hours a day creating magnificent geometric patterns in the snow?

Simon Beck of Savoie, France spends his days plodding through snow in raquettes (snow shoes) making snow art as he exercises his legs.
You have to agree he makes some sensational patterns in the snow.   Snow art at its best.   

Hillary has become quite the actress.     I cannot believe what has happened to her and her strong desire to be our next President.   She and Bill should retire into the quiet realm of their own making and be content that they 'got it all' and do not have need for more acclamations or money.   They have enough for this lifetime and certainly have proven where they stand . . . for Clintons only!

So today, know you have a week to finish up with your shopping, wrapping, and cards.    Time is fleeting faster than you think.   The entire holiday season has been wrapped up in pain for our entire nation.   Each of us has a heavy heart for the horrible even that just took place in Connecticut.   I do not know about you, but I resent the news people for taking over and making a twenty-four hour a day grand stand on each and every person, place or thing;  from phyciatrists, to children, to suffering parents, to keep each of us informed by their guess work.   A very sick young man took the lives of twenty-eight people and there isn't one of us that doesn't hurt because of it.  We don't need instant reminders;  our minds are filled with the sights we saw and the words we heard right after it happened.   Each of us has to cope in our own way.    Life goes on in spite of the misery surrounding us and although we are not going to kick up our heels and go around merry and bright, we are going to celebrate Christmas with those we love as best we can.    Go light a candle for each and every one.    Yesterday we lost a family member who had succumbed to a loss of her quality of life.  She suffered months of pure hell and yesterday she was rushed to emergency and died.   We loved her, we will miss her but knowing her suffering and pain are over brings a feeling of peace for her and for her family.     She lived a good life, was a good mother, teacher, and friend to all she came in contact with.   It is our loss but her gain as she walks along the pathway to the Gates of Heaven.    Maybe she was needed to help those little souls walk along the way.  I'd like to think so.      Hugs to all.  

Monday, December 17, 2012


Quotes Central's photograph came out just in time to remind us that our friends and family members are only a thought away.     My daughter Eileen comes to mind today, and everyday, but especially at Christmas as it was her favorite holiday when she would decorate anything and everything and made her home merry and bright.   She had a favorite blue angel that hung on the top of her tree every year, one she chose early in childhood and treasured.  She was on my candle lighting quest yesterday along with so many others.     

There is more truth than poetry in this little picture . . . our service men and women have always been paid low wages and it is not right as they leave their families behind and go off to war to defend each and everyone of us when there is a war on.    They deserve so much more.
I had to put this one on as it made me laugh out loud.   I had just stood on my scale and it told a story I certainly didn't want to see.  All the baking and eating has made a pathway to the inner folds which makes the outer folds a bit more rounder.  The five pounds I had lost found the way back, and a few more added . . . holidays are to be enjoyed but why does it have to mean eating our way through them?     The latest recipe is a chocolate Bailey's Creme cake and it is decadent, fattening and there is no such thing as stopping at one piece.     I should have a locked pantry door but it wouldn't work as I know where the key is.     Did I tell you that this year my lent starts January First . . .  and those belated Birthday dinners we celebrated this week were a tasty addition to our palates.   We did O'Hallaran's one night, tucking ourselves in a round booth, ordering ribs with all the trimmings and then last evening we got to the Nautical Inn and had the scallops with angel hair pasta and crispy spinach leaves.    And . . . the strangest thing of all is that you still wake up in the morning ready to eat breakfast as soon as your feet hit the floor.    Maybe I should light a candle for a poorer appetite!     Food is fuel . . . any excuse will do . . . go, enjoy your favorite foods and indulge to bulge then join me January First and we will behave for at least a day or two.    I'm smiling as it is time to go put on the potato laktes with applesauce . . . if you are nearby, come on in and I'll share them, a smile, a hug and a lot of tall tales.    Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Getting Older

My friend Marge sent me an attachment with a lot of stars and it showed how they have added a few years.  It was interesting to see the difference in their faces and how beautiful and handsome they still are . . . and best of all they still have talent and are still going strong.    There were to many to put them all on but these were a few favorites.   

Age . . . we all celebrate a new birthday every year and we all see a changing face in the mirror every morning.   Some of us age gracefully, some kicking and screaming about the first gray hair or the first wrinkle and some pay no attention whatsoever and enjoy life one day at a time.

Age . . . it really isn't the change in looks that is important;  after all that goes with the genes you were born with.   It is the attitude you decide on as you age that is what really counts.    A positive attitude brings out the beauty within while the negative attitude brings out a mirror image of discontent.

Age . . . body wise you are what you eat . . . what you do for exercise . . . and only you can adopt the attitude of creating a healthy body and mind.     It is not easy as temptation waits at the refrigerator door or the pantry closet where the 'good' things reside.    You have to remember you cannot bring home all of your favorite sugar treats and expect to hide them as you are the one who knows where all those places are and soon discover even frozen brownies are delicious.

Age . . . how lucky we are . . . we are able to 'age' . . . and we take our seconds seriously and we take good care of ourselves so that we do 'age to perfection' . . . so today, look in the mirror and if you see a beautiful smiling face it will be difficult to see a gray hair or a wrinkle . . . but, if you do, remember you earned every one of them.  Remember to love yourself warts and all so you can love those who surround you.  Hugs to all.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Night Musing

According to Maxine, one hundred sixty-two years ago, California  had no electricity, the State had no money, almost every one spoke Spanish, gun fights in the streets . . . Basically nothing has changed except women had real boobs and men didn't hold hands . . . that is the history lesson for today.

Well now we have to think about this as Maxine has defined only one State and we have forty-nine more of them to consider.    If we take them one at a time what would we find . . . more of the same in each State?  Maybe they wouldn't have as much to 'brag' about;  but it is time each Governor called his slate together and make a few checks and balances to bring about peaceful coexistence within.     I would say the assault weapons have to go;  they are for war and that should have to be banned also, as we send off our youngest men off to be killed or maimed for life,even though they carry one.    It used to be for territory back in the olden days;   then it was political for power;   then it was not only political but endless as the years roll along and the war remains and the latest blurb on the information highway is a new ruling about not speaking ill of the Muslim attackers;  strange and stranger as the years roll along.   The longer we close our eyes and our minds to the ills which surround us, the more we have to fear.

Here at home we are having more and more of the 'events' that are killing our neighbors in their work place; or shopping;  or little tiny tots in a classroom and teachers who tried to come to their aid . . . the beast is riding high and delights in the fact humans are turning into beasts and the company is great as they regale in drugs that alter the mind and acts that make them into dark and terrifying creatures of faceless humanity defining good as evil and evil as the way to go . . . go where?  They manage to kill themselves and solve absolutely nothing . . . but leave behind sorrow, sadness and fear.

Today I lit twenty candles and I prayed in an empty church asking for faith . . . for hope . . . for help.   Think of the families and the towns who are grieving tonight and all will grieve for a very long time to come.    Losing a child is like losing a part of yourself and it never stops hurting.

Tomorrow is a new beginning let us hope that the tragedy shows us a way to behave one to another, starting in  our own corner of the world.     Sadness reigns.    It is time to stand up for our beliefs.    It is time.  Hugs to all.

Christmas cards

I love receiving Christmas cards with pictures and the first picture card  I received this year has a picture of a friend, Charles, who has been in and out of my life for over fifty years.    He is a veteran, a man of honor, a loving husband, a father and a talented painter and should be a writer.    He is a man of words and the words he utters to family and friends are always uplifting and loving.   Yes. . . a Christmas hug from Charles lasts all year.  So Charles I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Bright and Beautiful New Year.

There is a young lady here in Brookings who has come up with an idea for those old and unwanted television cabinets and is making little play kitchens for the children.    I remember my granddaughter had a cute kitchen set but nothing like this.  This is solid and should make happy play time for children.     Some people are so clever, just chalk full of ideas to make little lives merry and bright.   

The news yesterday is about as bad as it gets when our seconds were filled with the horror of a shooting of twenty kindergarten children and seven adults.  Our hearts break in small pieces each time we hear of such tragic events.  Today, take a moment to light a candle for the families who are suffering untold suffering and sorrow . . . and remember the victims of the mall shooting just a few days ago.   There is an old adage "our is not to reason why, ours is to do and die"   so go about doing. . . start with you. . . , make the necessary changes that will bring about a belief in ten small commandments that will change all of our lives forever.    Hugs to all.

Friday, December 14, 2012


It is a tiny tree with lots of sparkle and sends a message to all.  It is a busy time of year with all the shopping for gifts for those we love.  It is a time of year to be generation in our dealings with others who are less fortunate, especially those who are shut in and unable to feel joy when their world is changed forever.     Upon leaving the store yesterday there was a Downs Syndrome young lady 'manning' the kettle and she had a smile for everyone whether they dropped a coin in her kettle or not.    I dug in my purse for all my loose change and managed to come up with a hand full which she helped push into the little slot of the kettle all the while telling me "God bless you"  and I felt blessed from the smile she gave me and I smiled all the way home.    I send a check to the Salvation Army every year as I really do appreciate the work they do all year, but dropping a few coins in the kettle is just another reason to enjoy the season.   Like the inimitable words of Tiny Tim. . .
"God Bless Us, Everyone"     Make today a start.  Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Reminder

Good Thursday morning . . . a reminder . . . Hugs make the best gifts so don't be afraid to share some.

Hugs to all.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Lesson

A lesson on living from an eagle.    There lies a wise tale.     Be an eagle . . . Hugs. to all.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Extended Family

Daughter Christine had a special day yesterday and we sang her happy birthday and had special flowers and
cupcakes which was a real surprise.

There is a new caterer in Port Orchard and she did a fantastic job in making Christine's favorite dark chocolate cakes.    She even delivers.    Christine posted her gifts on Facebook and has had several write on her wall asking her to save them one....maybe one will bring a candle and sing to her and give her hugs from all of us.  

An interesting sign, words that have special meaning as each of us have people in our lives who become 'family' and we wouldn't want it any other way.   Below are pictures of a few in  my life.

Sharon Guinn who knows how to put a smile in her eyes and not only paints but sings.  She is altruistic and gives much of herself to her family, friends and her community.    She is a wonder and gives great hugs.

Marcia who is a lady with personality plus.  She is never to busy to help others and has adopted me as another mother since she lost her own just a short year ago.   She is one of the 'stars' that shine and has many talents.   She is an excellent cook, wouldn't miss a yard sale where she picks up all kinds of useful things to give to the teachers for their students.  Pads, pencils, crayons, craft materials, you name it she finds it.   She puts up apple butter and applesauce to die for.    A fourteen year cancer survivor who really appreciates life in moments each day, every day.

Jennifer another giver and one who has a deep and abiding faith which she shares in all of the good deeds she does each day, every day.   She really is beautiful inside and out.

Hey Mike . . . I've known Mike for a lot of years and he is special.     Mike has a special sense of being and is always at the ready to help someone in need.     In his eyes needs and deeds go together.   The love of his life is Mari, his wife of many years, and then his motorcycle. 

Truer words were never spoken . . . as you can see from a few of my friends I put on the blog this morning, all show signs of compassion and tolerance for their fellow man and have become better people because of it.   I hope you have a family of friends who share their altruistic nature and have no fear of living life sharing and caring.    It is an addition to your family I hope you are lucky enough to have and you reach out with a smile in your eyes and share yourself with those you care about.    Take time out to really get to know your friends and never be afraid to add a new friend to the fold.    So today, look around and see how you are doing making an extended family and your expectations about living and loving will increase a thousand fold.    Hugs to all.