Thursday, November 15, 2012


I am sure we would not ask for one of the handyman from this outfit.    Come to think of it I may have used one or two with some of the repairs over the last few years.  Talk about being had . . . it makes me wonder whatever happened to  pride in accomplishments.  At one time you could hire a person or a company to fix a household problem and the job would be done without a hitch.   Now, you get slip shod and unfinished work and told it can be finished for a price.    

Now here is a clue as to what is going on in our medical world.   Take a pill, take two pills, well maybe add a few more and one of them is bound to work if you can stand the mixture, which help create problems you never had to begin with.   

this one made me laugh . . . why can't weekends be five days and work days two days?   

More truth than poetry or are we about to get exactly what was promised with all the dysfunction ,on going, with our men in power.     Um.....the word 'power' can send a strong man over the top and we have seen in done more than once.  

So today, be of good cheer as the Thanksgiving Holiday is about to come our way.    It has not been changed to a weekend date yet, wonder how come no one has thought to make it a Friday or a Monday and make it a longer holiday . . . . well maybe some folks take the extra day and make it a long weekend anyway.    What is that nonsense about a sale at midnight on Thanksgiving Day? . . . a pre-Christmas sale . . . hope you don't participate and take back your holidays and celebrate them for what they truly are.    Nope, not going on my soap box, you have already heard it all.   By now you could quote me and a few dozen others on what is wrong with greed, avarice, and pure selfishness.   Take back your is your life . . . start today and make up your mind what is best for you and yours.      What is it the old mother's use to say . . . 'just because he or she jumps off of a cliff, doesn't mean you have to. . ."    Be wise . . . be loving . . . be forgiving . . . and be good to yourself.    Hugs to all 

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