Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hey there!

Miss Emma thinking about the fish in the river, or maybe a swim.  She loves the water.   She loves being with her friends Keisha and Joey and their master Jock.  I think she would move in with them and leave us all behind as she finds it much more fun to be out and about than living a city life.    On the other hand, she's a bit fickle as she loves her run to the doggies park, her visits to grandma's house and doggy treats.    She follows Pat around to make sure she is there , just like a lady, can't make up her mind in a hurry.    Yeah, she wants it both ways.

Today is Saturday, after the Thanksgiving holiday and all of the treats we had.    Pat, Erin and I went to O'Halloran's and they have all of the Christmas lights up inside and out.   It is like walking into a fairy land.   We sat in the bar area and were treated royally.   We ordered a glass of wine to go with our dinner and Erin was carded not once but twice.   The waitress thought she was under twenty-one and did bring Erin her special hot chocolate drink with liqueurs of orange and another mixture with lots of cream dribbled with chocolate.   We tasted it and I found it a little to sweet for me.  My Merlot was almost bitter after tasting it.    They had a special on fresh ling cod for Pat, a big chicken Caesar salad for Erin and of course I had the ribs.  They do a bang up job on the ribs and I appreciated the finger bowl and the extra napkins.   Erin had a piece of lemon cake complete with a candle and a sing along from us.   

The storm passed for the holiday and we had sunshine.    We hoped it would stay but we hear there are new storms coming down from Alaska and it is going to get colder.  Cold is good, after all it is November .    It was ludicrous to watch the news on television about 'black friday' which means money in the bank for the store owners and basically 'red friday' for the consumers who knock themselves out to fight over a few sale items.     Paula wrote that her son went out to try and buy one of the two bikes on sale for one of his nephews for Christmas and a woman was knocked down.   Fighting, shoving, pushing, herding . . . it makes us look like stupidity at its best and it certainly is not what the coming Christmas holiday is all about.   For a populace out of work, owing trillions of dollars, some still without a pocket or a window and our actions belie our actions sure speak louder than our words.     It is enough to get me on a soap box, well you knew it would.   
Go, enjoy your weekend.  It is time to get the boxes out of the garage and see what decorations you will use this year.   I miss the fresh tree and the snow and the people who were in my life so long ago.    I miss the traditions I used to partake in and have down sized to less.   A small artificial tree with its own lights;    a tall nutcracker and lovely red plates and bowls filled with goodies to share.   Put Christ back into Christmas and celebrate by sharing and caring.   It would be nice to have a large diamond ring but you cannot eat it. . . bring on the fruit cake . . . the sparkling eyes . . . the walk in hugs . . . and make your seconds count today and every day.   Hugs to all.

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