Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Angie had this picture on Facebook today as she mentioned the snow in Truckee where she lives.    It has been a long time since I've seen icicles, a free Popsicle in depression days.   They do have a beauty all their own.  

This sign should be in Freddys where I shop.   They have sales like this all the time.   You would think the public was mindless and couldn't add.    The cost of a roast one week is so much a pound, then on sale week it is twice the price and you get one free . . . never underestimate the mind of a salesman.   I have to laugh as the can sales are on right now and once you could buy a can of peas, for instance, for fifty nine cents but today you can buy the same can of peas, ten for a dollar, the new way to sell can goods. . . and people think they are getting a buy.     Cranberry sauce use to sell for fifty nine cents a can and went up to eighty nine cents a can but not this year....a dollar and a quarter and a greater buy if you buy two for three dollars, according to the ad . . . where is the calculator when you need it?   So getting 'ripped off ' is the name of the game and we need to find a way to beat this on going rip off.     The secret is to buy fresh vegetables and eat them the same day you buy them, otherwise they rot before your eyes.    I found out this week that one way to preserve your fresh vegetables for an extra day or two is to put them in your cooler....that's right, our cooler where the climate is right to keep them fresh for a bit longer.   One trick I have learned is to use paper towels to help keep your fresh fruits and vegetables longer.    Wash your fruits and vegetables when you get home from the store, dry them, place them in a container and put a piece of toweling in the bowl or container and it absorbs the moisture and the items stay fresher much longer.  I am going to try the cooler and see if it works better.
So you have your tip for today. . . go and enjoy shopping for some fresh vegetables for dinner tonight.    Make your Sunday soup with chicken thighs and lots of fresh vegetables and you have something ready when you do not feel like cooking up a meal.     The Razzle Dazzle pie is on sale this week and well worth stocking up if you have freezer space.  My neighbor Jim sent me over a big plastic bag of peeled apples . . .all I have to do is put the shell together and I'll have my Thanksgiving apple pie at the ready.    And you thought one picture took place of a thousand words . . .

Go . . . have a good Tuesday and make it a fun one.    Laughter makes your world go around and lightens the load; so live your seconds with a smile in your eyes and try singing at the top of your lungs today and really feel the freedom of expression.    Hugs to all.

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